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Laxfield CLT

Laxfield CLT Logo

What we are about...

Laxfield Community Land Trust Limited (LCLTL) is a Charitable Company – it’s a non-profit making organisation, in that the company does not make a profit, the directors are unpaid, and there are no shareholders receiving dividends.

The CLT was formed before the start of the pandemic in 2019, with the prime intention of providing affordable rented homes in perpetuity for local people. The directors of Laxfield CLT are all Laxfield residents.

We believe the addition of such properties will help make Laxfield a stronger community, whilst at the same time improving the opportunity for local people who wish to live in Laxfield to do so.

The homes that Laxfield CLT wishes to provide would be 'forever-affordable' rented accommodation for local people, for both existing residents and those that come after them – whereas affordable homes already developed or proposed in the village by Housing Associations may not be available for affordable rent into the future, as these can be bought by residents under the ‘Right to Acquire’ (Buy) legislation.


CLT post AGM notice



...15 November 2021

An important part of the evidence needed for us to provide further affordable housing for rent in Laxfield is an up-to-date Housing Needs Survey (questionnaire). Therefore Laxfield CLT will be distributing a Housing Needs Survey very shortly, in January 2022.

Laxfield CLT are leading on this survey.

But importantly, we also have the active support of Mid Suffolk District Council and
Community Action Suffolk (CAS) who will manage the process on our behalf. CLT A5flyer hires

The questionnaire is both ANONYMOUS and CONFIDENTIAL and is going to all households in Laxfield.

The information provided by householders from the survey will be used to help us make plans to better determine both the demand for, and types of properties needed.

We ask that householders return the questionnaire in the prepaid envelope provided not later than Sunday 30th January.

Thank you.
right: first A5 flyer used in our HNS Awareness campaign
