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Parish Council


Laxfield Parish Council usually meets on the second Monday of the month in the Guildhall at 7.30pm. Members of the public are welcome to attend and have the opportunity of raising an issue for discussion.

The public are also invited to submit any item they wish to raise during the Open Forum prior to the meeting directly with the Parish Clerk.  This should be done through email or telephone (contact details as below).

Last Parish Meeting 8 July 2024 CLICK HERE FOR DRAFT MINUTES

Annual Parish Meeting 10 June 2024  CLICK HERE FOR DRAFT MINUTES

Annual Parish Meeting (APM) 20 May 2024  CLICK HERE FOR DRAFT MINUTES

Annual Parish Council meeting (APCM) 20 May 2024  CLICK HERE FOR MINUTES

Parish Council meeting 8 April 2024  CLICK HERE FOR MINUTES

Annual Parish Meeting (APM) 22 May 2023  CLICK HERE FOR MINUTES 

Last Annual Parish Council meeting (APCM) 22 May 2023  CLICK HERE FOR MINUTES  

Parish Council full meetings 2024, unless otherwise notified: 

8 January 2024
12 February 2024
11 March 2024
8 April 2024 
20 May 2024 [Parish Council meeting (Annual) plus APM]
10 June 2024
8 July 2024
9 September 2024
14 October 2024
11 November 2024 

Laxfield Quiet Lanes

Quiet Lane sign

Laxfield Parish Council is committed to improving our village.

During development of Laxfield’s Neighbourhood Plan last year many villagers identified road safety as a priority for the village. Laxfield Parish Council is now exploring opportunities to designate certain rural lanes in the village as “Quiet Lanes” as part of a county-wide project. We feel that this would be of real benefit to the village and those who visit.

As part of the formal public consultation process, proposals were discussed at an Open Forum (held remotely via Zoom) on 12 April 2021.

For more info and situation updates click here to go to the Quiet Lanes page on this website.

Parish clerk  

Karen Gregory

Hill Farm Barn, Badingham, Suffolk IP13 8JL

Tel: 07719 988668

email:  parishclerk@laxfield-pc.gov.uk

The role of the parish council

Laxfield Parish Council is made up of eleven councillors. There are ten full meetings during the year (no meeting in August and December), held on the second Monday in the month. Additional Extraordinary Meetings may be held to deal with a specific item of urgent business if agreed by the Chair and Vice-Chair. The Finance Committee meets every December.

All members of the public and press are welcome to attend all meetings of the Council and its committees and sub-committees. The members of the Parish Council elect a Chair, whose role is to ensure a fair and adequate hearing of the views present and at the same time to restrict the discussion to consideration of the business in hand.

The Parish Council acts strictly within statutory boundaries and strives at all times to retain public confidence.

The Annual Parish Meeting is organised by the Parish Council and chaired by its Chair. It is always held in May and exists to allow all parishioners to attend and ask any questions or bring up any matters relating to the village.

Committees & representatives

Planning Committee  (4 members)

S Innes (Chair)
D Alchin
D Martindale
R Sutton

Grounds Committee (5 members)

O Hackett   (Chair)
S Clarke
S Ellis (play area)
L Sharman
S Sutton

Finance Committee (3 members)

D Martindale   (Chair)
L Sharman
R Sutton


Village Hall: 

O Hackett
D Martindale

Smith & Ward Charity:

L Sharman

Relief in Need Charity: 

S Innes
S Sutton

Laxfield & District Museum:

L Sharman

SALC & County Area Committees:

D Alchin

Council members:

Chair: S Innes

D Alchin
P Bicheno
S Clarke
S Ellis
O Hackett
D Martindale 
L Sharman
R Smith
R Sutton
S Sutton

Contact Laxfield Parish Council:  click here to email Laxfield Parish Clerk