Latest Parish Council Briefings
We thought we'd take the opportunity to highlight some of the things keeping us busy... So on this page you'll find key points from the last full Parish Council meeting as well as 'Briefings' on various issues that the Parish Council is currently involved with.
Key points from the last Parish Council meeting, as well as any individual Briefings will also appear in the Parish magazine for the relevant month. Full Parish Council meeting Minutes and Agenda documents are always available on this website.

Below are some of the key points from the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 10 January 2022.
Text to follow here when available...

Laxfield parish Council consistently has issues raised by residents about speeding and the highways generally in the village from potholes, trip hazards to the state of the verges, paving slabs and broken, leaning signs.
These issues are of such concern to us that the Parish Council set up a Highways group which has been meeting now for some two years (even remotely through the pandemic) and has had some success in resolving issues and doggedly pursues those that are more difficult! The group comprises David Alchin, Debbie Martindale, Bill Shuttle and Karen Gregory, the Parish Clerk. New members are always welcome (you don't have to be on the Parish Council, Bill isn't!) or if you don't want to attend meetings but want to help resolve some of the issues just let one of the group know and you'll be welcomed!
We thought we'd take the opportunity to highlight to you some of the things we're currently looking at. Each month we report back to the Parish Council.
January 2022 (published parish magazine October 2021)
- Parking in the centre of Laxfield is a perennial challenge and is raised often. The problem is exacerbated on market days and other events and so the Parish Council is purchasing a number of 'no parking cones' which will be placed in areas that become congested at these busy times. In addition, people will be encouraged to park at the playing field and walk down to the centre of the village during these times.
- Market Street consistently has a parking problem and the Parish Council is currently investigating the possibility of double yellow lines along the west side of Market Street.
- Speeding through the village is another challenge. The mobile speed indicator device (SID) is in constant use and moved regularly around the village. Another pole has been ordered so that the SID can be used more extensively.
- A number of years ago Laxfield purchased a speed watch camera but this hasn’t been used for a long time. A small group of villagers co-ordinated by Bill will be receiving training on this so that it can be used again. If you’d like to be part of this volunteer group, please let Karen know by email at
- There are currently five 30 mph entry points to the village and the Parish Council is looking to extend some of these further out of the village in order to help reduce speeds. If you’d like to know further details of these proposals, speak to David Alchin.
- The state of the road edges on Mill Road has caused considerable concern for many months now, particularly for residents. An on site meeting was recently held with Suffolk highways and they could see the need for edge protection to avoid the problems of mud on the carriageway and the provision of suitable off road parking. The Parish Council will liaise with Mill Road residents during the next month to detail proposals and gain feedback.
- Village Gateways – these could be simple structures on the verge, and/or road markings combined where possible on the B1117 with the 30 mph entry points to give greater emphasis. These are currently being investigated with Suffolk Highways.
- Quiet Lanes project – no objections to proposals were received and therefore we are currently awaiting the associated signage.
- We have a new County Councillor (Peter Gould) who is taking a particular interest in highway matters, and we will seek to gain his support for any proposals. Funding for any works will be met primarily by Parish budgets.
If you have any queries about the above, please contact any member of the Highways group, Parish Council or Karen, the Parish Clerk by email at

Next entry 2022
January 2022
- The Parish Council's Green Spaces Group is organising a survey of all the hedgerows in the parish, the aim of which is to produce a complete picture of hedgerow distribution and condition in order that they can be protected and enhanced, and to assess their usefulness as wildlife corridors. The survey will be carried out between April and October, probably over the next two years, and will involve a single visit to each of the hedgerows to measure height, length and thickness and to document the species which make up the hedgerow.
- We are looking for volunteers to help with carrying out the survey. Training, maps and any special equipment will be provided and we are intending to make up teams of two or three people to go out together. If you would like to know more or to volunteer, then please contact Mike Turton.
- Click here to contact Mike Turton, or call on 01986 798618.