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All Saints Church, LaxfieldAll Saints Church

We aim to be to be an open and accessible church – a church without walls.

All Saints is part of the Four Rivers Benefice comprising eight parishes: Bedfield, Brundish, Cratfield, Laxfield, Monk Soham, Tannington, Wilby and Worlingworth with Southolt.

Associate Priest: Revd Chrissie Smart  07341 480966  click here to email Revd Chrissie Smart
Assistant Curate: Revd Rebecca Artiss  (contact Geoff Artiss on 01728 685663)

Church Warden:

Jackie Turton  01986 798618  click here to email Jackie Turton


PCC Secretary: Mike Turton
PCC Treasurer: Rachel Ball
PCC Members: Tim Hammond, Marc & Sarah Godfrey, Mike Turton, Di Wingfield, Liz Hammond, Rachel Ball

Deanery Synod Members (also on the PCC):

Jackie Turton, 
Sarah Godfrey

Parish Safeguarding Officer:

Jackie Turton  01986 798618

Lay Elders:

Liz Hammond

Church services

Our services are as follows
1st Sunday: 10.30am Celtic Morning Prayer
2nd Sunday: 10.30am Morning Praise
3rd Sunday: 9.00am Holy Communion
5th Sunday Benefice Service: please check church noticeboard for venue
Please check the parish newsletter and church noticeboard for any occasional changes, and for services happening elsewhere in the benefice.

The Benefice are also running the following services on Zoom
Celtic Evening Prayer: 7pm every Wednesday
Celtic Morning Prayer: 9am every Friday

If you would like to join us online, please click here to email Revd Chrissie Smart.

Meet up Fridays:        

...An opportunity for anyone, but especially those suffering from dementia and their carers, to meet up over coffee and cake at The Royal Oak at 10am on the 2nd Friday of every month. You will need to buy your coffee from the bar, but cake is free!

Saturday Social:        

...An opportunity to meet together for coffee, cake and a chat on the 3rd Saturday of every month between 10am and 11.30am. Where? All Saints Church Chancel. Come and meet up with old friends and meet some new people. Everyone is welcome.

Informal Lunchtime concerts:        

...On the 4th Friday of every month, 12.30-1.30pm in church, March - October. Bring your lunch and enjoy the music.

Occasional events: 

...We offer Tower Cafe breakfasts and tower tours on occasions – please check church noticeboard or parish newsletter for details of these and other events.

All Saints Church 100 club:

Contact Alison Oughton  01986 798167

Parish Newsletter:

Distribution: Mary Jones  01986 798272
Editorial: John Reeve  click here to email John Reeve
Advertising: Jan Watkins  click here to email Jan Watkins

Benefice administrator:

Virginia Skoyles  click here to email Virginia

Eco Church Programme Bronze Award 2022 logo  

All Saints holds a bronze award from the Eco Church programme run by A Rocha (UK).  This means that we look at our land and buildings and what we do to see how we can manage these in a way that reduces our environmental impact and how we can encourage others to do the same.

Baptist Chapel, LaxfieldBaptist Church


Tim Mawson - 01986 799138 (Chapel Study), 07801 206360 (mobile)
click here to email Pastor Tim Mawson

Church Secretary:  

Andrew Chilvers - 01986 798271‬ 
click here to email Andrew Chilvers 

Youth & Childrens' Work Contact: 

click here to email youth & childrens' work contact 

Sunday Services:

Morning Worship: at 10.30am
Sunday Club & Bible Class: at 10.30am
Evening Worship: at 6.00pm 
Communion Service: 3rd Sunday each Month at 9.45am
Sunday Morning Prayer: at 10.00am (not 3rd Sunday)

Other Regular Meetings & Activities:

Bible Study & Prayer Meeting: Tuesdays at 7.30pm
Coffee Stop: Thursdays 10.00-11.30am
Sparkles (for Toddlers): Fridays 9.30-11.30am during term time
Connect (for school years R-5): Fridays 6-7pm during term time
The Buzz (for school years 6-13): Fridays 7.15-9pm during term time

click here to see the Baptist Church's Calendar

For more information click here to go to the Laxfield Baptist Church website

On the front of the Chapel is a commemorative tablet to the death of John Noyes – a local Shoemaker – who was burned at the stake in Laxfield during the reign of Mary Tudor. Please read the tablet for details.

Other beliefs

The Erasmus Foundation - see info on the Amenities page click here to go to the Amenities page